Being quite a socially anxious person the thought of learning to skateboard was a very scary prospect, not only did I not know anyone in my local area but I didn’t see much I could relate to online and on social media as I wasn’t a man and I couldn’t do any tricks. After realising It didn’t matter what people thought and I could skate if I wanted to I bought a skateboard and started skating. I instantly loved it and haven’t stopped since! I learned that skating is so much more than crazy tricks and Instagram videos. There is such a big community, especially in Falmouth.
The biggest thing I learnt is being able to do loads tricks isn’t a necessary part of skating and having fun. Everyone has to start somewhere so just start and see what happens.
This video is a tribute to the female skaters in Falmouth, to show anyone who is thinking of learning to skate should just do it.

Girls Can Skate